The Meaning Behind the Mark

So those of you who know me well also know that I like to find meaning in pretty much everything. So why would it be any different with the mark that represents our new brand? Before we dive into the meaning(s) behind the new mark, I want to say a HUGE thank you to the designer extraordinaire, Katie at KD Creative, who helped (and stayed patient with) me throughout this crazy process. It was all worth it!

So as I was thinking about this logo in my head, and as I look at it in all of it’s awesome gorgeousness now, there are several meanings. I will attempt to explain each part, what it represents, and why it’s important. So here goes!

1) The Camera Iris! There’s something about a camera iris that I find absolutely beautiful and fascinating. Always have. I love the way the metal leaves are shaped, and the fact that these beautiful pieces have so much control over the most essential tool in photography – light! I also love that the iris is modeled after my favorite human feature – the eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul they say, so the iris, then, is the window to my camera’s soul (whoa….chills!). And the iris is a central part of the tool that ultimately allows me to do what I love most, capture moments.

2) The Circular Shape, which is the universal symbol for connection. When I get behind the camera, I try my best to capture connection – between people, between an individual and their environment, or the larger connection between humans and nature.

3) The Coffee Stain which makes up the outer circle. This represents the memory of a moment that was meant to be savored. Like the stain that is left on the table after enjoying a great cup of coffee with a good friend, photos are meant to be an everpresent reminder of a beautiful moment – the look between two lovers, the bond between parent and child, or the momentous occasion that brought so many people together. To me, photos are synonymous with memories, so I wanted to ensure our brand represented this in the most picturesque way possible.

4) The Latte Art. Ahhhh latte art. I love latte art, especially because it is the mark of someone who loves their craft; when I get a beverage with a true work of art made from perfectly foamed milk, I know I’m about to indulge in something spectacular. And another I also love that each frothy masterpiece is unique. Every cup of coffee and every barista/artist is different – so each instance brings about a new result. The differences may be subtle, but that just causes me to look more closely. To me, photography is much the same way; each situation, each person, and each photographer is different, so no two photographs will ever be alike. So incredible.

5) O is for Oregon….the state of Oregon that is. I was born, raised, and educated in Oregon. So although I’ve been on the east coast for a good chunk of my adult life, part of my soul will always belong to Oregon, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like to think that my love affair with coffee stems from a combination of my Northwest roots (my love of coffee culture) and my East Coast life style (my love of caffiene).

So there you have it:

Meaning Behind the Mark

Camera Iris + Circle of Connection + Coffee Stain + Latte Art + Oregon = Our awesome new logo!

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