Hello Year Six!

I still remember our ceremony. Though the reception is a bit of a blur, during our time under the pergola I felt hyper-aware. There are several parts I still recall with regularity, but one truth emerges with the most deepened understanding as I reflect back on six joy-filled, challenging, and growth-filled years.

As we look upon these beautiful surroundings, we remember that beauty is a creative process. Marriage is a creative process as well. Although we like to say that today you are “getting married,” as you leave this place, you will enter the process of “becoming married.” For marriage to achieve its fullest, most unique and beautiful expression takes time, just like the beauty of this place took time to create. I hope you’ll enjoy the process.

I am a different person because of Greg. As we have continued to become married, I have become more selfless and self-loving (and realized how vital both components are to marriage). I have become more confident in who I am and who we are, and what we are called to do individually and collectively. I have learned how to receive love, even when I don’t feel lovable. And I have learned to embrace the vulnerability that comes with loving another so deeply that it scares me.

As creative entrepreneurs, we’ve been able to literally see some of these changes as we look back on years worth of images. What we value has come through in our more authentic style. How we love each other shows in how we capture the little moments of love for others. And as we’ve begun to embrace vulnerability together, we have learned to dance with the fear of putting ourselves and our work out into the world more courageously.

To Greg, my love, thank you for being my perpetual partner in love, in life, in business, and in creation! I love you more than I can say in a blog post or any other form of communication. Thank you for your constant support, stability, and little impressions that can make me giggle instantaneously. And thank you for loving me with a powerful, unwavering, and playful love. I will always choose us.


  1. Sabrina says:

    OMG – are you just too stinkin’ cute, or WHAT?? Happy anniversary!

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