“Rachel, the house was broken into. A lot was taken from your room.” I still remember getting the call from my mom. So many things were lost: a few of my yearbooks; some awards I’d won in high school; a favorite book I’d won in a writing contest signed by an author I looked up […]

One of the things I love most about Rachel is her outlook on life and sense of adventure.  It’s one of the things that defines her, and our life together.  It’s a big part of the reason we’re here in Colorado now. The past decade has been a series of adventures with Rachel.  We’ve shared […]

We almost bought a happy little bichon puppy. Almost. He was out of his cage, running quietly around the tiny shop next to the run down shell of the Ames department store, its big white letters announcing, “PETS.” And of course, he was being chased by me and my brother and having a grand old […]

Ah, there it is, Ralphie’s house!  And good old Cleveland Street.  How could we ever forget it?  To say that Rachel and I are huge fans of A Christmas Story would be an understatement. Into the museum shop we jostled in wonderment with other film fans to buy our tickets next to the tinkling display…of […]

I fancy myself pretty good at a lot of things.  I’m smart, I’m a good listener, I’m self-reliant, and I’m a good cook.  I’ve been called a “MacGuyver,” and a “renaissance man,” for my various talents. But one thing I truly suck at is asking for help, and then trusting that I’ll receive it. Our […]